Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Current Events: 4/12/13

Makes PaPierre, executie vice president of NRA look bad. Looks like a monster and an idiot for not doing anything against gun deaths.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

US vs Universal Health Care

·      Benefits the rich
·      Creates jobs through health insurance
·      Instant gratification
·      Better standards of care
·      Doctors and Specialists get the $
·      Supports individualism
·      Lessens government-regulated wages. More free market.
·      Everyone is equal
·      Supports the poor and uninsured
·      Don’t have to worry about finding a job that provides insurance
·      More taxes
·      Longer lines for the less urgent cases
·      Increased government control on health care
·      More government control on factors that would cause health issues (smoking, fast food, etc…)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Universal vs US healthcare

Universal VS US Healthcare

·      Benefits the rich
·      Creates jobs through health insurance
·      Instant gratification
·      Better standards of care
·      Doctors and Specialists get the $
·      Supports individualism
·      Lessens government-regulated wages. More free market.
·      Everyone is equal
·      Supports the poor and uninsured
·      Don’t have to worry about finding a job that provides insurance
·      More taxes
·      Longer lines for the less urgent cases
·      Increased government control on health care
·      More government control on factors that would cause health issues (smoking, fast food, etc…)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14/13: Current Event Political Cartoon

The above political cartoon is putting a negative viewpoint on American mentality. It is saying that many Americans believed that the fiscal cliff was going to be very hard to get through when in reality, according to the author, the upcoming budget cuts (sequester) is going to be far worse.