Thursday, March 28, 2013

US vs Universal Health Care

·      Benefits the rich
·      Creates jobs through health insurance
·      Instant gratification
·      Better standards of care
·      Doctors and Specialists get the $
·      Supports individualism
·      Lessens government-regulated wages. More free market.
·      Everyone is equal
·      Supports the poor and uninsured
·      Don’t have to worry about finding a job that provides insurance
·      More taxes
·      Longer lines for the less urgent cases
·      Increased government control on health care
·      More government control on factors that would cause health issues (smoking, fast food, etc…)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Universal vs US healthcare

Universal VS US Healthcare

·      Benefits the rich
·      Creates jobs through health insurance
·      Instant gratification
·      Better standards of care
·      Doctors and Specialists get the $
·      Supports individualism
·      Lessens government-regulated wages. More free market.
·      Everyone is equal
·      Supports the poor and uninsured
·      Don’t have to worry about finding a job that provides insurance
·      More taxes
·      Longer lines for the less urgent cases
·      Increased government control on health care
·      More government control on factors that would cause health issues (smoking, fast food, etc…)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14/13: Current Event Political Cartoon

The above political cartoon is putting a negative viewpoint on American mentality. It is saying that many Americans believed that the fiscal cliff was going to be very hard to get through when in reality, according to the author, the upcoming budget cuts (sequester) is going to be far worse.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Political Cartoons 3/6/13

 This political cartoon portrays the Obama and democratic solution to America (Uncle Sam)'s enormous debt (weight). The democrats are declaring that Obama's increased spending programs that are designed to reduce debt are amazing and are bound to cut debt in half while the skeptical republican party is unimpressed and says that it working is unbelievable. Literally.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Political Cartoons 3/4/13

The above cartoon illustrates the statue of liberty with a surprised expression holding a garbage bucket of nuclear waste. This cartoon symbolizes how America is becoming a sort of "dumping ground" or "garbage collector" of nuclear waste. With various nuclear waste facilities to contain nuclear waste from all over the world. The stature of liberty, which once used to greet incoming immigrants from other countries, is now greeting as much nuclear waste as it used to people.


The three countries that increased the amount of money spent on weapons were Germany, France, and Great Britain.
This increased the chance of war by having three world powers with a higher quantity and more sophisticated weapons resource that is necessary to fight wars.

Great Britain, France, and Russia were the members of the triple entente. The members of the triple alliance were Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. The alliance system contributed to the outbreak of World War 1 by tying the countries together. So that if one country went to war against another the alliances would be pulled in and all six countries would be at war.

The accusations made by Austria-Hungary to Serbia are that they did nothing to stop movements against Austria-Hungary.  They allowed the media to condemn Austria-Hungary and did not punish them.
The two demands that Austria-Hungary made on Serbia was their word that they would punish the movements against Austria-Hungary and that Austria-Hungarian representatives be allowed to help suppress these movements.

Germany was responsible for World War 1 because they "started it" and they lost.

The position that the German delegation leader presented was that Germany was fighting a war of defense and was not solely responsible for World War 1.
He said that the war was caused by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, imperialism, and the mobilization of Russia.

According to the author all European countries were responsible for the outbreak of WW1.
He said that leaders in Europe did things that lead to a military buildup and a declaration of war or they did nothing to stop these events as evidence for his claim.

The role that the assassination and the ultimatum played in the outbreak of the way is that the ultimatum built up tension and pressure in Europe and the assassination sparked the fire that sent Europe into the blazing inferno of war.
The responsibility that the alliance systems played in the outbreak of the way was that as two countries would enter into conflict their allies would then be obligated to support each other and side within their alliance systems. So if one country had tension with another it would cause both treaties to then be turned against each other and for tension to buildup.

Causes of World War 1:
·      Armament buildup
·      A strong alliance system
·      Anti-Austria-Hungarian groups in Serbia (Black Hand)
·      Imperialistic conflicts
·      Nationalism
·      Military buildup/action
·      Increasing demands made by the two separate alliance systems