Monday, January 21, 2013

1/21: Government Definitions

Bureaucracy: A group of non-elected officials that decides and implements the rules, laws, and ideas of their institution.

Aristocracy: Rule by a group of a privileged upper class. Only certain members of society have a say.

Constitutionalism: Governing body is restricted by a set of higher laws.

Autocracy: Rule by a single individual.

Monarchy: Autocratic government where power is inherited, elected upon an individual, or otherwise maintained.

Dictatorship: An individual or small group of individuals has total control of the people. Can take away freedoms.

Totalitarianism: Government controls all aspects of society and daily life.

Absolutism: Usually an autocracy where the ruler has no restrictions and absolute power.

Democracy: Every qualified individual has a say in decisions either directly or through elected representatives.

Oligarchy: Rule by a few individuals who are usually conneted by family ties, are wealthy, or have a valued skill set.

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